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Code No. 605.1R2 Determining Age Appropriate Materials

Purpose:  The purpose of this document is to provide administrators and staff with guidance and procedures that will be used as we work to comply with the changes in Iowa Code as outlined in SF 496. Specifically the fact that a school district “cannot provide ANY curriculum, program, survey, material, activity, announcement or materials relating to gender identity or sexual activity to students in grades K-6” and the fact that the districts library program is designed to “support the student achievement goals of the total school curriculum” where the content of the library must be “only age-appropriate materials” and contain NO depiction of sex acts as defined by Iowa Code 702.17.

Determining what curriculum and library books meet the definition of the law could be challenging as what is “age appropriate” isn’t clearly defined for us. In an effort to support staff and administrators in making these decisions we are proposing the following guidelines/procedures. The information below is meant to serve as a guide and there will be situations that will arise that we haven’t thought about; however, we believe that this guide can still provide a place for us to start the discussion in each situation.

Procedures for Determining Age-Appropriate Curriculum & Library Books:

Scenario 1: Book/Curriculum Clearly Violates Iowa Code 702.17 and SF 496

  1. Staff member (principal, librarian, teacher) determines the content of the book or curriculum violates the law.
  2. Book is pulled from circulation and placed in storage or curriculum material is pulled and turned into the curriculum director.
  3. The following document contains a list of titles that have been pulled from the library for this reason.  Books Removed due to SF 496

Scenario 2: Staff Member Believes that a Book/Curriculum is “Questionable” With Regards to Violating Iowa Code 702.17 and SF 496

  1. A staff member encounters a book or curricular material that they question as to whether or not it violates the law or intent of the law.
  2. The staff member should share the book/curricular material with the librarian for a second opinion.
  3. The librarian will review the book/material and based on their interpretation determine whether or not it violates the law or the intent of the law.
  4. Consideration will be given to the following:
    1. Is this “age-appropriate” and contain NO depiction of sex acts as defined by Iowa Code 702.17?
    2. Is the amount of questionable content within the text or material age appropriate? 
    3. The necessity of the questionable content in relation to the overall narrative of the story.
    4. Alignment to content area, standards/curriculum
    5. Potential benefit of the material versus the potential negative consequences
  5. The district will work to make a decision on the book within a reasonable time frame with the hope of making a decision within 5-10 school days. 

Scenario 3:  A Parent/Student Believes that a Book/Curriculum is Questionable In Regards to Violating Iowa Code 702.17 and SF 496

  1. A parent or student brings a concern to the librarian, teacher, principal, or curriculum director regarding the content of a book or curricular material believing that it violates the law or intent of the law. 
  2. The staff member who is made aware of the concern will review the material with the librarian to determine if the concern is warranted based on their interpretation of the law.
  3. Consideration will be given to the following:
    1. Is this “age-appropriate” and contain NO depiction of sex acts as defined by Iowa Code 702.17?
    2. Is the amount of questionable content within the text or material age appropriate? 
    3. The necessity of the questionable content in relation to the overall narrative of the story.
    4. Alignment to content area, standards/curriculum
    5. Potential benefit of the material versus the potential negative consequences
  4. The district will work to make a decision on the book within a reasonable time frame with the hope of making a decision within 5-10 school days. 
  5. If it is determined that the material violates the law or intent of the law the book/curricular material will be removed from circulation. 
  6. If the librarian does not determine that the library book or curricular material violates the law or intent of the law the book/curricular material will remain in circulation and be available to students.
  7. If the parent or student disagrees with the decision, they may formally request that the book/curricular material be removed by going through the reconsideration process as outlined in board policy. 


Approved: December 18, 2023