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Code No. 503.1R1 Student Suspension

  1. Probation:  Probation is conditional suspension of a penalty for a set period of time.  Probation may be imposed by the principal for infractions of school rules which do not warrant the necessity of removal from school.  The following procedures shall be followed when probation is imposed.

The principal will conduct an informal investigation of the allegations against the student prior to imposition of probation.  The investigation will include, but not be limited to, written or oral notice to the student of the allegations against the student and an opportunity to respond.  Written notice of probation and reasons therefore will be sent to the parents.

Should the student breach the condition imposed for probation, the student may be removed from academic or extra-curricular privileges or have more severe penalties such as suspension imposed.  An investigation similar to that of the informal investigation described above shall be conducted to determine whether the condition imposed has been breached.

  1. In-School Suspension:  In-school suspension is the temporary isolation of a student from one or more classes while under administrative supervision.  In-school suspensions may be imposed by the principal for infractions of school rules which are serious but which do not warrant the necessity of removal from school.  Credit for work made up while under suspension will be determined by the principal.

The principal shall conduct an informal investigation of the allegations against the student prior to imposition of an in-school suspension.  The investigation will include, but not be limited to, written or oral notice to the student of the allegations against the student and an opportunity to respond.  In-school suspension will not be imposed for more than ten school days.  Notice and reasons for the in-school suspension will be sent to the student’s parents.

  1. Out-of-School Suspension-Out-of-school suspension is the removal of a student from the school environment for periods of short duration.  Out-of-school suspension is to be used when other available school resources are unable to constructively remedy student misconduct.

A student may be suspended out of school for up to ten school days by a principal for a commission of gross or repeated infractions of school rules, regulations, policy or the law, or when the presence of the student will cause interference with the maintenance of the educational environment or the operation of the school.  The principal may suspend students after conducting an informal investigation of the charges against the student, giving the student:

  1. Oral or written notice of the allegations against the student;
  2. The basis in fact for the charges; and
  3. The opportunity to respond to those charges.

At the principal’s discretion, the student may be allowed to confront witnesses against the student or present witnesses on behalf of the student.

The notice to the student, investigation, and informal hearing must precede removal of the student from school.  However, nothing should prevent the immediate suspension of a student when the student's continued presence on school grounds endangers the student's safety or well-being, the safety or well-being of other members of the school community or substantially interferes with the proper functioning of the school.  In the instance of an immediate suspension, a meeting will be held within three school days to determine future action.  In the event the suspension occurred prior to the meeting, the person responsible shall document the basis of the necessity for such action.

Notice of the out-of-school suspension will be mailed to the student’s parents or legal guardians, the superintendent, and to the president of the board within three school days following the suspension.  A reasonable effort shall also be made to notify the student’s parents by telephone or personal contact and such effort shall be documented by the person making or attempting to make the contact.  Written notice to the parents shall include the circumstances which led to the suspension and a copy of the board policy and rules pertaining to the suspension.

  1. Suspensions and Special Education Students

Following the suspension of a special education student, an informal evaluation of the student’s placement shall take place.  The student’s Individual Education Program (IEP) shall be evaluated to determine whether it needs to be changed or modified in response to the behavior that led to the suspension.  If a special education student’s suspensions, either in-school or out-of-school, equal ten days on a cumulative basis, a staffing team shall meet to determine whether the students IEP is appropriate.

Students who have not been identified as special education students may be referred for evaluation after the student’s suspension to determine whether the student has a disability and is in need of special education.


Approved:  November 17, 1997

Revised/Reviewed:  February 25, 2019