Students utilizing school transportation shall conduct themselves in an orderly manner fitting to their age level and maturity with mutual respect and consideration for the rights of the bus driver and the passengers. Students who fail to behave in an orderly manner will be subject to disciplinary measures.
The school vehicle driver shall have the authority to maintain order on the school vehicle. It shall be the responsibility of the driver to report misconduct to the building administrator. Once an infraction occurs, the following bus discipline procedure shall be used to maintain an orderly atmosphere on the school vehicle:
School Transportation Discipline Procedure
In the event a general education student's conduct is inappropriate while being transported to and from school, the following actions could result:
Step 1) A student/driver conference will be held centering around the student’s behavior, the rule that was violated, and the expectations for the future. The parents of the student will be contacted by the driver. A written report will be filed with the building principal of the student and a copy forwarded to the parents along with a copy of the bus policy.
Step 2) A student/driver/principal conference will be held concerning the incident. A written report will be filled out by the driver and principal. The building principal will contact the parents of the student and an accompanying letter will be sent to the parents along with a copy of the bus policy. The student will be suspended from bus privileges from one to five days.
Step 3) A student/driver/principal conference will be held concerning the incident. A written report will be filled out by the driver and principal. The building principal will contact the parents of the student and an accompanying letter will be sent to the parents along with a copy of the bus policy. The student will be suspended from bus privileges from five to ten days. A parent/student/driver/principal conference will be held prior to the return of the student to bus privileges.
Step 4) A student/driver/principal conference will be held concerning the incident. A written report will be filled out by the driver and principal. The building principal will contact the parents of the student and an accompanying letter will be sent to the parents. At this time the bus policy and the due process hearing procedure will be presented to the parent/guardian. The student will be suspended from bus privileges pending the result of a hearing by the board.
In the event a special education student's conduct is inappropriate while being transported to and from school, the following actions could result:
Step 1) A student/driver conference will be held centering around the student’s behavior, the rule that was violated, and the expectations for the future. The parents of the student will be contacted by the driver. A written report will be filed with the building principal of the student and a copy forwarded to the parents along with a copy of the bus policy.
Step 2, 3, and 4) A student/driver/principal conference will be held concerning the incident. In addition, the student's IEP Team will meet to determine appropriate educational options and transportation for the student. A written report will be filled out by the driver and principal. The building principal will contact the parents of the student and an accompanying letter will be sent to the parents along with a copy of the bus policy.
Those student riders whose privileges have already been suspended by the board during one academic year could start on step 2 or 3 of this procedure the next academic year. If the offense jeopardizes the safety of other students and the bus driver, action may be processed at step 3.
Approved: October 20, 1997
Revised/Reviewed: April 22, 2024