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Code 700 Statement of Guiding Principles

This series of the board policy manual is devoted to the goals and objectives for the school district’s business operations and non-instructional and/or auxiliary services that assist in the delivery of the education program.  These non-instructional services include, but are not limited to, the school lunch program, transportation services, and child care.  The board, as it deems necessary, may provide additional non-instructional services to support the education program.

It is the goal of the board to conduct its business operations and to provide non-instructional services in an efficient manner.

Expenditures for Public Purposes

The Board of Directors recognizes and supports the principle that District funds are to be expended only for legitimate public purposes and not for private personal gain for which services of comparable value have not been rendered to the District. The Board of Directors, therefore, believes it is important to designate those expenditures for officers, directors, employees, and volunteers, which are in addition to salaries and benefits authorized and/or specified in Board policy and legitimate expense reimbursement which serves a legitimate public purpose.

The Board of Directors authorizes the expenditure of District funds for District officers, directors, employees, and volunteers for the following purposes, as these are commonly-granted benefits for employees and volunteers in public and private organizations which aid in recruitment of personnel, promotes improvement of staff morale and cooperation, and assists in building a commitment to the District, thus assisting in creating a more productive learning environment:

  • Mementos for employees for recognition of every five years of service to the District.
  • A retirement appreciation function once per year to recognize retiring employees, mementos may also be given to retirees.
  • A recognition item upon the end of service by a Board member.
  • A recognition item for the president of the Board of Directors upon completion of service as president.
  • Staff welcome and appreciation breakfast or lunch with Board members and employees attend (a limited number of invited community members may be invited also), once per school year, to recognize employee contributions and to promote communication between Board members, administrators, and other staff members.
  • Meals on-site during staff development (in-service) meetings, committee meetings, and meetings hosted at the school.  This is to promote a more efficient day so that staff members and attendees do not leave the premises.
  • Meals for licensed interviewees (and if the interviewee is an administrative candidate, the interviewee’s spouse) and members of the interview committee accompanying the interviewee at the time of an interview.
  • Light meals may also be served to Board members, administrators, and other school personnel required to be present at Board meetings, or Board committee meetings if the meetings are called prior to 7:00 p.m., or if they go unusually long, in order to enable the Board to continue with business without interruption.
  • A volunteer and/or contributor appreciation function or token with Board members, employees, and/or contributor and volunteers may attend once a year to recognize the contributions of volunteers.
  • Meals may be purchased for volunteers working in buildings during the day, from student activity funds.
  • Motivational items for employees that align with the Board's mission and vision for teaching and learning and enhance the climate and culture of the district.
  • Meals for off-site professional development and conferences for Board members, board officers, and accompanying district staff (i.e., Iowa Association of School Boards Annual Convention) to promote effective and efficient board governance.

The Board of Directors also authorizes the expenditure of District funds for coffee and soft drinks in the school buildings. Coffee, soft drinks, light refreshments, such as cookies, may also be made available at Board and committee meetings to promote a welcoming environment and as a common courtesy for individuals who travel to the District building for attendance at District meetings and conferences.

No District funds will be used to pay the cost of any alcoholic beverage and no alcoholic beverage will be available on school grounds.



Approved:  January 18, 1999

Revised/Reviewed: January 24, 2022