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Code No. 302.5B Superintendent Evaluation-Summative Evaluation Form

The purpose of this evaluation is to provide the Superintendent with an accurate assessment of his/her performance in meeting the established goals.  When providing a narrative, please be as specific as possible.  The more specific the comments, the more meaningful the assessment.


Iowa Standards for School Administrators (Aligned with this Goal):

Summative Rating:  Place an “X” in space corresponding with the appropriate rating for this goal.

_______Distinguished            ______  Proficient      ______  Basic             _____Unsatisfactory

Significant Achievements that Support this Rating:

Areas of Growth that Support this Rating:

Superintendent Comments:

Board Comments:

Superintendent’s Signature:_____________________________________  Date:__________

Evaluation Period:  ___________________, 200   to  _____________________, 200

Board President’s Signature:_____________________________________ Date:__________


Revised/Reviewed:  January 24, 2022