Interstate 35 Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, April 24, 2023
Regular Board Meeting 6:00 pm
High School Auditorium
The Interstate 35 Community School District exists to develop life-long learners and responsible, productive, successful citizens in an ever changing society.
Regular BOARD MEETING–Tentative Agenda
- Call to Order--Welcome--Roll Call--Pledge of Allegiance
- Review of I-35 Mission Statement and District Priorities
Mission Statement
“The Interstate 35 Community School District exists to develop life-long learners and responsible, productive, successful citizens in an ever changing society”
District Priorities
- Articulate and support a cohesive, student-centered PK-12 vision for continuous school improvement
- Engage in effective teaching and relevant learning for the 21st Century
- Operate with fiscal integrity, efficiency and effectiveness
- Discuss and/or Approve Agenda (Action)
Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 School Budget
- Introductory Remarks on 2023-2024 School Budget
- The proposed certified budget was published on April 12, 2023.
- The proposed budget was published at a higher rate ($18.75212) and that can be adjusted down. It cannot be adjusted higher. We publish higher to allow for some minor fluctuation and finalize in June with the Department of Management. In June, the Board can adjust it down to the current tax levy ($18.67375) as we have done in past years.
- Public Question and Answer
- Closing of Public Hearing
- Open Forum
“Residents, students, parents/guardians, and staff members of the district may address the Board about relevant topics. Those who wish to speak must sign up at the beginning of the meeting. Speaker’s participation is limited to 5 minutes per meeting. We ask speakers to remember that Iowa law prohibits the Board from discussing specific employees or students or their performance.”
Education in Action–Celebrating the Class of 2023
- 4/26: Baccalaureate hosted by I-35
- 5/12: Senior Signing Breakfast (families welcome to attend)
- 5/16: Fine Arts Night
- 5/17: Senior Awards Night and Senior Check Out Day
- 5/19: Graduation Practice Walk Through with Seniors (last day)
- 5/21: Graduation
- Student Report
- Administrative Reports
Superintendent Report
- Iowa Youth Institute
Communication Updates
- Contact the school
- TriCorner Express
- The District Scoop
- Informed
- Crucial Conversations
- Parent Nights (May 10)
- Website
Two Key Pieces of Legislation
- SF 391 Chapter 12 Flexibility
- SF 496 Transparency and Parents’ Rights
- Discuss and/or Approve Consent Items (Action)
- Past Meeting Minutes
- Monthly Bills and Financial Statement
- Open Enrollment
- Renewal of Iowa LGRP 2023-2024 contract
Resignations, Reassignments and Contracts
- Lorie Howe hired as Family Consumer Science teacher (pending approved licensure).
- Adam Beckel hired as secondary principal.
- Amy Maiers hired as middle school cross country coach.
- Kelcie Daniels hired as high school assistant volleyball coach.
- Polly Blum hired as secondary interventionist.
- Brooke Miller hired as high school math teacher.
- Margaret Lleweelyn resigns from all positions.
- Tim McKinney resigns from assistant volleyball coach and head boys track coach.
- Brooke Layton resigns from second grade teaching position.
- Michelle Wheeler resigns from computer science position.
Items for Discussion
- Public Safety Plan (For Information Only) The Safety Plan will be made available to the public on the district website. This initial review will allow for community input prior to adoption in April.
- Board Policy on Lunch Account second reading (Action) In an effort to create consistency with our current practices, we are recommending the following rewrite of board policy 707.2.
School Resource Officer (Action) Per the request of the Board, please find a job description and funding cost breakdown for a SRO. This would be a shared position with the Madison County Sheriff’s Office.
- Funding: At Risk Funding, Operational Sharing $ @ 2 FTE is around $15,000. We are also in contact with schools about grant resources they use to offset costs.
Considerations based on feedback from other schools
- Consider reaching out to local city to determine if time could/should be shared.
- Job descriptions are typically held by law enforcement agency.
District should have input on duties assigned in building, (safety checks, building relationships, student issues when law enforcement would be called ie vaping, annual or quarterly or monthly report on activity, safety trainings, etc)
- Out of State Travel–Boys Basketball Request (Action) Boys Basketball is requesting an out of state travel request to Omaha on June 9 and 10 for a basketball camp. Information on link below, provides additional details. https://www.creighton men'
Tentative Agreement with Teacher Association (Action) The District and the Teacher Association met on Monday, April 3, 2023 and reached a tentative agreement. Details are as follows:
- An additional $575 to the base for the 2023-2024 school year with a step increase. (Wage increase of 3.21%).
- Four year contract with a wage reopener every year.
- Agree to language on extra duty contract.
- Agree to language on educational lanes. It will read “Employees on the regular salary schedule who move from one educational lane to a higher educational lane shall move to the corresponding eligible step on the higher lane. For an employee to advance from one educational lane to another, all paperwork needs to be submitted to the Superintendent no later than Jan 15 or Sept 15 for consideration. The increase in pay with an approved lane change would begin with the first pay period after the request was approved. Successful completion requires a grade of “C” or better. Employees seeking to move to a higher educational lance shall seek prior course approval from the superintendent. The Board may allow credit for course work after completion in exceptional circumstances.”
- Agree to Article VI H. Sick Leave….Strike the last sentence and add: Up to forty (40) unused sick bank days will carry over from year to year.
- Article IX–Service Year …Add Teachers will be given the option to work from home on days when school is canceled due to inclement weather at the discretion of the superintendent. Other options will be provided to make up the missed work day for teachers who choose not to work from home on the inclement weather days.
- Agree to updated language V. D.1 Each employee shall be paid in 18 or 24 equal installments on the 10th and 25th of the month via direct deposit.
- Agree to Delete V.D.5 Eliminate Direct Deposit (Included now in D.1)
- Agree to language IX.A Change to Employees contracted on a nine-month basis agree to a service year of 192 days except for new employees who will agree to a service year of 195 days allowing three (3) days for orientation purposes.
- Meet and Confer Recommended Increase (Action) The employees not covered by our two association groups are part of the Meet and Confer group. These positions include our administrators, the twelve-month secretaries (those at the district level), the registrar, our directors, the social worker and our technology department. The recommendation is to increase the salaries of the meet and confer group at 3.21% for all salaried personnel and 3.34% increase for all hourly personnel. This will cost approximately $49,973.00.
- FY24 Certified Budget (Action) The proposed certified budget was published on April 12, 2023. The proposed budget was published at a higher rate ($18.75212) and that will likely be adjusted down to our current levy rate ($18.67375). We publish higher to allow for some minor fluctuation and finalize in June with the Department of Management. In June, we will adjust it down to the current tax levy.
- Resolution for Debt Service Payment (Action) Resolution Authorizing the Redemption of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2017, Dated July 25, 2017, and Levying a Tax for Fiscal Year 2024 for the Redemption of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2017, Dated July 25, 2017.
- Daycare Handbook (Action) Updated Daycare Parent Handbook is presented for approval. Changes recommended for Payment Policy on page 9. An addition to the handbook includes adding possible days for professional development (page 10). Updates also include edits to the Behavior Policy on page 18.
Proposed increase Daycare/After School Programming Costs (Action) Based on an evaluation of our current program We are proposing the following increases to our daycare/after school program costs:
- 4 year old increase from $120 to $140 per week (wrap around $15 increase and tuition $5 increase)
- Before and After School increase from $70 to $75 per week
- After School only increase from $45 to $50 per week
- Summer (3 days per week) from $75 to $90 per week
- Summer (4 days per week) from $100 to $125 per week
- Summer (5 days per week) from $125 to $150 per week
- Increase Board Insurance Share (Action) To retain teachers and promote recruitment, we are requesting approval to increase the board share insurance for teachers from $773.89 to $824.72. For support staff we are suggesting an increase of board share from $740.29 to $800.72. We currently have 99 single plans in the district.
Adjourn. Next Meeting: May 22, 2023