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Code No. 801.5 Award of Construction Contracts

The board supports economic development in Iowa, particularly in the school district community.  Purchases by the school district shall be made in Iowa for Iowa goods and services from locally-owned businesses located within the school district or from Iowa-based companies which offer goods or services if the cost and other considerations are relatively equal and they meet the required specifications.

Public, competitive sealed bids are required for construction projects, including renovation and repair, with a cost exceeding the statutory minimums required by law.  The public, competitive sealed bid requirement is waived in the case of emergency repairs when the repairs are necessary to prevent the closing of a school.  The AEA administrator shall certify that the emergency repairs are necessary to prevent the closing of a school.  The superintendent will comply with the competitive quotation process for those projects subject to the competitive quotation law.  The superintendent will determine the process for obtaining quotations for projects below the competitive quotation limit.  The superintendent shall recommend to the board a quotation for the project for approval subject to the legal requirements governing the award of contracts based upon quotations.

The award of construction contracts will, generally, be made to the lowest responsive, responsible bid or quotation.  The board, in its discretion, after considering factors relating to the construction, including, but not limited to, the cost of the construction, availability of service and/or repair, completion date, and any other factors deemed relevant by the board, may choose a bid or quotation other than the lowest bid or quotation.  The board shall have the right to reject any or all bids or quotations, or any part thereof, to waive informalities, and to enter into the contract or contracts deemed to be in the best interests of the school district.

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to make a recommendation to the board regarding which bid or quotation to accept and the reason for the superintendent’s recommendation.


Approved:  January 18, 1999

Revised/Reviewed: November 25, 2019