Interstate 35 Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, October 23, 2023
Board Meeting 6:00 p.m.
High School Media Center
The Interstate 35 Community School District exists to develop life-long learners and responsible, productive, successful citizens in an ever changing society.
Call to Order--Welcome--Roll Call--Pledge of Allegiance
Review of I-35 Mission Statement and District Priorities
Mission Statement
“The Interstate 35 Community School District exists to develop life-long learners and responsible, productive, successful citizens in an ever changing society”
District Priorities
Articulate and support a cohesive, student-centered PK-12 vision for continuous school improvement
Engage in effective teaching and relevant learning for the 21st Century
Operate with fiscal integrity, efficiency and effectiveness
Discuss and/or Approve Agenda (Action)
Open Forum
“Residents, students, parents/guardians, and staff members of the district may address the Board about relevant topics. Those who wish to speak must sign up at the beginning of the meeting. Speaker’s participation is limited to 5 minutes per meeting. We ask speakers to remember that Iowa law prohibits the Board from discussing specific employees or students or their performance.”
Student Report
Administrative Reports
Mrs. Woods
Mr. Weber
Ms. Whitson
Mr. Beckel
Superintendent Report
Certified Enrollment
SIAC meeting review
RSAI Legislative Meeting review (legislative priorities)
Discuss and/or Approve Consent Items (Action)
Past Meeting Minutes
Monthly Bills and Financial Statement
Open Enrollment
Resignations, Reassignments and Contracts
Tim McKinney hired as a substitute bus driver.
Clair Vander Molen hired as Payroll Clerk.
Paige Davis hired as an associate.
Items for Discussion
Board Policy Review (Action) First reading of policy 503.1, 503.8, 605.1, 605.1R, 605.2, 605.3, 605.3R1, 605.3E1, 605.3E2, 605.3E3, 605.4, 605.5
Discipline Policy (503.1, 503.8)
Handbook Updates
Instructional Materials (605.1, 605.1R1, 605.1R2, 605.2, 605.3, 605.3R1, 605.3E1, 605.3E2, 605.3E3, 605.4, 605.5)
EVAAS Data (for information only); We will be sharing a new data tool made available by the Department of Education to measure learning loss as a result of COVID.
Early Retirement—Preliminary Discussions (for discussion only) Last year, the Board opted to increase the early retirement criteria from 15-20 years of service and change the age from 55-60. After consideration, the Board opted to go with 57 years of age and 17 years of service. The previous 3 years, the Board set the criteria at 55 years old and 15 years of service. The retiree was given a $30,000 HRA as a benefit for his/her service when accepting the early retirement. As a reminder, Early Retirement is paid out of the management fund.
Next Meeting is scheduled for November 27, 2023.