Interstate 35 Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, June 24, 2024
Regular Board Meeting 6:00 pm
I-35 Auditorium
The Interstate 35 Community School District exists to develop life-long learners and responsible, productive, successful citizens in an ever changing society.
Tentative Agenda
- Call to Order--Welcome--Roll Call
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Review of I-35 Mission Statement and District Priorities
Mission Statement
“The Interstate 35 Community School District exists to develop life-long learners and responsible, productive, successful citizens in an ever changing society”
District Priorities
- Articulate and support a cohesive, student-centered PK-12 vision for continuous school improvement
- Engage in effective teaching and relevant learning for the 21st Century
- Operate with fiscal integrity, efficiency and effectiveness
- Discuss and/or Approve Agenda (Action)
- Recognition of Retiree–Congratulations, Mrs. Meggers, Ms. Whitson, and Ms. Allender
- Open Forum
“Residents, students, parents/guardians, and staff members of the district may address the Board about relevant topics. Those who wish to speak must sign up at the beginning of the meeting. Speaker’s participation is limited to 5 minutes per meeting. We ask speakers to remember that Iowa law prohibits the Board from discussing specific employees/students or their performance.”
- Student Representative Report
Principal Reports
- Mrs. Woods
- Mr. Beckel
- Ms. Whitson: From Ms. Whitson, Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to learn and grow as a professional and person. I appreciated working with an awesome team and wearing RED, WHITE, and BLUE in honor of the Roadrunners! I wish you all the best of luck and look forward to hearing positive future progress.
- Mr. Weber
Superintendent Report
- Spring Survey Results and Next Steps
- District Goal: Continue to strengthen the culture of learning at Interstate 35 Community School District that lends to engaged learning and rigorous growth.
Standing Agenda Item: Facilities Update
- Mr. Gray will be here to update the Board on the roof project, summer work, AC
Discuss and/or Approve Consent Items (Action)
- Past Meeting Minutes
- Monthly Bills and Financial Statement
Resignations and Contracts
- Nathan Kittrell hired as secondary music teacher.
- Josh Maxwell hired as Co-Head Coach for cross country.
- Kelsey Stonehocker hired as Co-Head Coach for cross country.
- Open Enrollment
Items for Discussion
- Handbook Approval (Action)
- Technology Usage Agreement Approval (Action)
- Exit Interview Recap (information only)--Jen Baughman will be here to present our current exit interview data.
- School Fees (Action) The annual fees will be presented for approval.
- Garbage and Pest Control Bids (Action) Please find the bid sheet for garbage and pest control. The recommendation is to accept TRM Disposal and D & D Pest Control.
Upcoming Dates
Next Board Meeting: July 22, 2024