Interstate 35 Community School District
Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, June 27, 2022
Regular Board Meeting 6:00 pm
High School Auditorium
The Interstate 35 Community School District exists to develop life-long learners and responsible, productive, successful citizens in an ever changing society.
Tentative Agenda
Call to Order--Welcome--Roll Call--Pledge of Allegiance
Review of I-35 Mission Statement and District Priorities
Mission Statement
“The Interstate 35 Community School District exists to develop life-long learners and responsible, productive, successful citizens in an ever changing society”
District Priorities
Articulate and support a cohesive, student-centered PK-12 vision for continuous school improvement
Engage in effective teaching and relevant learning for the 21st Century
Operate with fiscal integrity, efficiency and effectiveness
Discuss and/or Approve Agenda (Action)
Open Forum
“Residents, students, parents/guardians, and staff members of the district may address the Board about relevant topics. Those who wish to speak must sign up at the beginning of the meeting. Speaker’s participation is limited to 5 minutes per meeting. We ask speakers to remember that Iowa law prohibits the Board from discussing specific employees or students or their performance.”
Positive Accomplishments: Food Pantry/Backpack Program
Superintendent Report
Professional Development Plan
Paraeducator/Teacher Apprenticeship Grant
Discuss and/or Approve Consent Items (Action)
Past Meeting Minutes
Monthly Bills and Financial Statement
Resignations and Contracts
Heather Peacock hired as head girls volleyball coach.
Sara Skinner resigns as high school social studies teacher.
Austin Mustain resigns as elementary music teacher.
Stephanie Brown resigns as Instructional Coach.
Karla Meis resigns as daycare associate.
Gaige Mosher hired as high school social studies teacher.
Jeffrey Engelhardt hired as high school math teacher.
Blake Bauer hired as middle school assistant baseball coach.
Dean Downs hired as varsity girls wrestling coach.
Christine Bethards transferred from bus driver to daycare associate.
Open Enrollment
Items for Discussion
Revenue Purpose Statement (Action) Resolution Approving Revenue Purpose Statement, Ordering an Election on a Revenue Purpose Statement to Authorize Expenditures From Revenue Received From the State Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund, and Ordering the Publication of a Notice of Election
Background: Our existing RPS is still valid through January 1, 2031. We need to hold another local election to extend their RPS sometime prior to 1/1/2031; sooner if there will be any need to borrow from the period collection beyond 1/1/2031. If the RPS election fails, we do not lose any existing authority, and we must wait not less than 6 months to bring the RPS question back to voters. (RPS election requires 50%+1 voter approval)
Next Steps: Board adopts a resolution (obtained from Bond Counsel) calling for the RPS election. We will get the signed resolution delivered to the CONTROLLING COUNTY AUDITOR by 12PM on the due date. We will publish the Notice of Election from each county auditor.
Why is this important: If the RPS is not approved Debt Service Levy eliminated (SAVE Funds used to make GO Bond payments), Voted PPEL Levy eliminated, Board PPEL Levy eliminated. Then, and only then, if there remain any SAVE funds available the school can use those funds for other infrastructure, transportation, technology, etc. needs according to Iowa Code.
School Fees for 2022-2023 (Action) The annual fees will be presented for approval. This includes an increase to school breakfast and lunch and an increase to some of our daycare rates.
Bid for Pest Control and Garbage Contract 2022-2023 (Action)
School Safety Grant (for discussion only) This funding will provide a $50,000 grant for each public and private K-12 school building within Iowa. Applications for the funds will be submitted by the school district through the Department of Education.
$7.5M – Vulnerability assessments for all 1,500 K-12 school buildings - This funding is to support vulnerability assessments in all Iowa schools. If the district has valid assessments on their schools, they do not need to request an assessment.
$6M – Digital critical incident mapping technology–The development of digital maps of the interior of each school building that will be available to first responders.
$4.5M -- Radios for schools–The purchase of radios to be placed in each school These radios will be able to directly access local law enforcement.
$1.5M -- Digital applications and software for reporting and intelligence–The purchase of software to further enhance the monitoring of social media as well as a tool that allows individuals to anonymously report suspicious behavior and threats.
$5.5M -- School Safety Bureau operations funding through 2026–This will include 9 new DPS staff that will implement the 3 items above as well as increase the effort around active shooter and ALERRT training.
Childcare Grant (for discussion only) Grant funding will support local infrastructure investments by employers to build or expand child care capacity, construct on-site child care centers, and create partnerships between businesses and local centers.
Next Meeting: July 25, 2022