2022/05/23 Regular Board Meeting Agenda

Interstate 35 Community School District.             (UPDATED 5/20/22 1:05 p.m.)

Board of Directors Meeting

Monday, May 23, 2022

Work Session 5:30 pm

Regular Board Meeting following work session at 6:00 pm

High School Auditorium



The Interstate 35 Community School District exists to develop life-long learners and responsible, productive, successful citizens in an ever changing society.



Tentative Agenda


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Teacher Shortage
  5. Adjourn



  1. Opening
    1. Call to Order--Welcome--Roll Call--Pledge of Allegiance
    2. Review of I-35 Mission Statement and District Priorities

Mission Statement

“The Interstate 35 Community School District exists to develop life-long learners and responsible, productive, successful citizens in an ever changing society”


District Priorities

  1.  Articulate and support a cohesive, student-centered PK-12 vision for continuous school improvement
  2. Engage in effective teaching and relevant learning for the 21st Century
  3. Operate with fiscal integrity, efficiency and effectiveness
  1. Discuss and/or Approve Agenda  (Action) 
  2. Public Hearing: Amending FY 22 Budget
    1. Opening Comments
  1. Published as required in The Madisonian on May 11, 2022
  2. No change to property taxes
  3. Increase Primarily in Non-Instructional Program Expenditures (Lunch Program/Daycare) and Other Expenditures (Roof Replacement)
  1. Comments of the Public
  2. Closing of Public Hearing
  1. Open Forum 

“Residents, students, parents/guardians, and staff members of the district may address the Board about relevant topics.  Those who wish to speak must sign up at the beginning of the meeting.  Speaker’s participation is limited to 5 minutes per meeting.  We ask speakers to remember that Iowa law prohibits the Board from discussing specific employees or students or their performance.”

  1. Positive Accomplishments: 3rd grade Newspaper
  2. Principal Reports
    1. Mr. Tessau
    2. Mr. Kaster
    3. Mrs. Dutrey
  3. Superintendent Report
    1. Congratulations Class of 2022
    2. Registration Update
    3. SIAC Meeting Update
    4. Insurance Update
    5. Revenue Purpose Statement
  4. Discuss and/or Approve Consent Items  (Action) 
  1. Past Meeting Minutes
  2. Monthly Bills and Financial Statement
  3. Resignations and Contracts
    1. Sarah Coder hired as 5-6 ELA teacher.
    2. Kathryn Belden hired as high school ELA.
    3. Tonya Donahue reassigned to high school ELA.
    4. Heather Peacock voluntary transfers to 4th grade.
    5. Kaitlyn Grant reassigned to 7-8 ELA teacher.
    6. Elizabeth Hainer hired as a special education teacher.
    7. Geoff Tessau resigns from employment at Interstate 35 Community School.
    8. Elyse Rice resigns from high school ELA position.
    9. Makayla Briggs resigns from elementary special education position.
    10. Dallas Gilleland resigns from high school social studies teacher position.
    11. Heather Wells added as technology director.
    12. Autumn Parmer hired as a cook.
    13. Betty Dolan hired as a cook. 
    14. Heather Dutrey assigned to work based learning coordinator (part time).
    15. Brandi Moa-Lamp reassigned to high school interventionist.
    16. Monica Cormeny hired as 5-8 reading teacher.
    17. Chriss Allen reassigned to sub calling associate and associate position.
    18. Tanner Warrington resigns from high school assistant wrestling coach position.
    19. Brandi Moa-Lamp resigns from head high school volleyball coach position.
    20. Geoff Tessau contracted for four days of IT support. 
    21. Kelcie Daniels hired as 5-8 interventionist.
    22. Stacy Henson hired as 4th grade teacher.
    23. Austin Mustain hired as elementary music teacher.
    24. Jessica Reisinger hired as elementary guidance counselor.
    25. Sara Skinner hired as high school social studies teacher.
    26. Brandon Chapman hired as HS assistant baseball coach.
    27. Blake Bauer hired as assistant high school wrestling coach.
    28. Katie Klingensmith hired as robotics sponsor.
    29. Rachelle Palmer hired as associate.
    30. Nicole Kindley reassigned to general associate (school year contract).
    31. Jesse Helton resigns as custodian.
    32. Jerry Young resigns from all I-35 positions.
    33. Mary Strickler resigns from associate position.
    34. Stephanie Good resigns from NHS Sponsor.
    35. Marcia Hood resigns from wrestling cheer sponsor.
    36. Mike Stuart resigns from track thrower coaching.
    37. Nate Rankin resigns from middle school football.
  1. Items for Discussion
    1. Bread and Milk Contract (Action) Food Service Director Angie Stroh makes the following recommendations:
      1. I recommend that we stay with Hiland Dairy for the 2022-23 SY as they can support all products and needs that we have here at I-35 CSD while adhering to procurement guidelines.
      2. I recommend that we stay with Pan O Gold for the 2022-23 SY.
    2. 2021-2022 District Data Review (No action needed)  

The administrative team will review the district academic data for 2021-2022.  

  1. 2022-2023 District Goals (Action)

Mrs. Dentlinger will present the 2022-2023 district goals. 

  1. Amend FY ‘22 Budget (Action) We recommend approving the budget amendment as published and presented at the hearing.  Property taxes will not be affected.  The budget amendment is required by Iowa Code if the district will spend more than was originally certified in any of the four areas including Instruction, Total Support Services, Non-Instructional Programs, and Total Other Expenditures.  The need to amend the budget is due to an increase in nutrition and daycare expenditures and the roof replacement project. It is possible the roof replacement project will not occur in the FY22 budget, depending upon when it is done.   
  2. Recommend Retention Payments Staff (Action) The recommendation is to pay the staff listed the $1000 payment for Retention (this was completed with certified staff in March).  This payment is for the following positions: transportation coordinator (Finley), activities director (Weber), human resources director (Baughman), tech support (Sheets) food services director (Stroh), buildings and grounds director (Gray), bus drivers, building and grounds (Bedwell and  Kline), health associate (Miller), and business office (Bauer and Jordan).  
  3. Update on Teacher Shortage–HS Math and Computer Science (No action needed)  Mrs. Dentlinger will share the district’s plan to provide high quality instruction for students if we get no applicants for our open positions.
  4. Reconsideration Committee Recommendation (Action) The reconsideration committee met to review a request to remove a book from the I-35 High School Media Center.  The recommendation from the reconsideration committee is as follows:
    1. At this time the committee has chosen not to remove the material requested from the I35 library. 
    2. The committee has requested that the school look in to options in the future that would allow parents to choose (or sign a waiver) for materials to be checked out, or a way that a parent could be notified if specific material was checked out by their student, much like the email that gets sent to parents if a student uses their school computer to access certain unwanted websites. 


Next Meeting: June 27, 2022