Code No. 404.5R1 Substance-Free Workplace Regulations

If the superintendent suspects an employee has a substance abuse problem, the superintendent shall follow these procedures:

  1. Identification - the superintendent shall document the evidence the superintendent has which leads the superintendent to conclude the employee has violated the Substance-Free Workplace policy.  After the superintendent has determined there has been a violation of the Substance-Free Workplace policy, the superintendent shall discuss the problem with the employee.
  2. Discipline - if, after the discussion with the employee, the superintendent determines there has been a violation of the Substance-Free Workplace policy, the superintendent may recommend discipline up to and including termination or may recommend the employee seek substance abuse treatment.  Participation in a substance abuse treatment program is voluntary.
  3. Failure to participate in referral - if the employee refuses to participate in a substance abuse treatment program or if the employee does not successfully complete a substance abuse treatment program, the employee may be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
  4. Conviction - if an employee is convicted of a criminal drug offense committed in the workplace, the employee must notify the employer of the conviction within five days of the conviction.


Approved:  November 17, 1997

Revised/Reviewed: January 24, 2022