Code No. 501.10R1 Truancy - Unexcused Absences Regulations

Attendance is required of all students in all regularly scheduled classes and instructional time. Attendance for continuous remote learning is required as included in the District’s Return to Learn Plan, in consideration of age and content area, understanding that some work is done without synchronous computer connection. The superintendent shall, in cooperation with the school administration, staff, parents/guardians, and students, prepare rules and regulations to implement this policy.

  1. General Attendance Policy
    1. Policy Statement - Daily, punctual attendance is an integral part of the learning experience and is required of all students to receive the maximum benefit of the educational program.  The habit of good attendance established early is one which helps a person be successful throughout their lifetime.  More and more, employers, colleges, and vocational schools expect good attendance and are checking attendance records for absences and tardies.  They are aware that good and prompt attendance indicates dependability in a student.  The education that goes on in the classroom builds from day to day and as a result, absences always cause some disruption in the educational progress of the absent student.  Students who are absent may not understand what the teacher is currently presenting and may also become discouraged with the double burden of keeping current and making up missed work.  In order to maintain interest and understanding in program of instruction, students should not expect to be absent any more than is absolutely necessary.  Irregular attendance or tardiness by students not only retards their own studies, but also interferes with the progress of those students who are regular and prompt in attendance.  Attendance is a shared responsibility that requires cooperation and communication among students, parents, and school.
    2. Absences
      1. Parents are expected to notify the school prior to 9:00 a.m. regarding a student's absence on the day of the absence.  All absences must be reported within one day of the absence to be considered excused.  Students absent from school for any reason may be required by the school to submit a written explanation or specific reason for their absence, the specific days of times they were absent, verification by the doctor or dentist where appropriate, and a signature of the parent.
      2. Quarantine due to exposure to COVID-19 or immediate family member quarantine due to such exposure. However, if participation in continuous remote learning is appropriate during the quarantine, attendance will be in compliance with the district’s Return to Learn Plan and will not be counted as an absence.
  2. Excessive Absenteeism:  Excessive absenteeism is any absence beyond 5 days or individual class meetings per semester.
    1. When a student has been absent from school or a class 5 times during a given semester, the student's parent will be contacted via telephone or mail regarding the student's attendance.  The classroom teacher or building administrator will initiate the 5-day notification process.
  3. Application of Sanctions:  Excessive absences could result in the student receiving no credit for the class and being referred to the at-risk coordinator.
  4. Appeals
    1. When notified that the student has missed 3 days or classes in a given subject, the parent should contact the principal to discuss the student's attendance and prevent any further absences.
    2. If discontinuation of the class is recommended, the student and parent may file a written appeal with the principal within 5 school days of the notification.  Sanctions imposed under the policy will be final unless a written appeal is submitted to the superintendent.
    3. The student will remain in the class or in school pending completion of the appeals process.

Approved:  November 17, 1997

Revised/Reviewed:  April 22, 2024