The board is committed to the inclusion of all students in the education program and recognizes that some students may need prescription and nonprescription medication to participate in their educational program.
Medication shall be administered when the student's parent or guardian (hereafter "parent") provides a signed and dated written statement requesting medication administration and the medication is in the original, labeled container, either as dispensed or in the manufacturer's container. Administration of medication may also occur consistent with board policy 804.05 – Stock Prescription Medication Supply.
When administration of the medication requires ongoing professional health judgment, an individual health plan shall be developed by licensed health personnel working under the auspice of the school with collaboration from the parent or guardian, individual’s health care provider or education team pursuant to 281.14.2(256). Students who have demonstrated competence in administering their own medications may self-administer their medication. A written statement by the student's parent shall be on file requesting co-administration of medication, when competence has been demonstrated. By law, students with asthma, airway constricting diseases, respiratory distress or students at risk of anaphylaxis who use epinephrine auto-injectors may self-administer their medication upon the written approval of the student’s parents and prescribing licensed health care professional regardless of competency.
Persons administering medication shall include authorized practitioners, such as licensed registered nurses and physician, and persons to whom authorized practitioners have delegated the administration of medication (who have successfully completed a medication administration course conducted by a registered nurse or pharmacist that is provided by the department of education). The medication administration course is completed every five years with an annual procedural skills check completed with a registered nurse or a pharmacist. A record of course completion shall be maintained by the school.
A written medication administration record shall be on file including:
Medication shall be stored in a secured area unless an alternate provision is documented. The development of emergency protocols for medication-related reactions is required. Medication information shall be confidential information as provided by law.
Disposal of unused, discontinued/recalled, or expired abandoned medication shall be in compliance with federal and state law. Prior to disposal school personnel shall make a reasonable attempt to return medication by providing written notification that expired, discontinued, or unused medications needs to be picked up. If medication is not picked up by the date specified, disposal shall be in accordance with the disposal procedures for the specific category of medication.
Approved: November 17, 1997
Revised/Reviewed: April 22, 2024
No over-the-counter medication shall be administered at school, unless the school has the parent/guardian's permission.
Prescription medication will be dispersed to students during a school day only if the following requirements are met:
Students are to bring all medications to the school office immediately upon their arrival at school.Students are not to carry over-the-counter medications with them during the school day unless approved by the school nurse.Students are not to carry prescription medication with them during the school day unless ordered by the physician and cleared by the school nurse.
Medication on school premises shall be kept in a locked container in a limited access storage space.Only appropriate personnel shall have access to the locked container.Each school or facility shall designate in writing the specific locked and limited access space within each building to store pupil medication.More specifically, the following requirements shall be followed:
Iowa law requires school districts to allow students with asthma or other airway constricting diseases to carry and self-administer their medication as long as the parents and prescribing physician report and approve in writing. Students do not have to prove competency to the school district.
Emergency protocols for medication-related reactions shall be posted.
A written medication administration record shall be on file, including:
Medication information shall be confidential information and shall be available to school personnel with parental authorization.
The superintendent/designee shall be responsible, in conjunction with the school nurse, to develop rules and regulations governing the administration of medication, prescription and non-prescription, to students. Students and parents/guardians shall be provided with the requirements for medication procedures by the school annually.
Revised/Reviewed: April 22, 2024
Code No. 507.2E1
The undersigned(s) are the parent(s), guardian(s), or person(s) in charge of _______________________________ (student’s full legal name), who is in the ______ grade at the ____________________ building in the Interstate 35 Community School District.
It is necessary that the above student receive the following medication(s), at the following frequencies, for the following time period (Attach additional sheets if necessary):
(a) ______________________________________________________________________
(Frequency (i.e., once at noon, etc.))
Beginning on _________________ and continuing through ________________.
I hereby request the Interstate 35 Community School District, or its authorized representative, to administer the above-named medication to my child named above and agree to:
1. Submit this request to the principal or school nurse;
2. Personally ensure that the medication is received by the principal or school nurse administering it in the container in which it was dispensed by the prescribing physician or licensed pharmacist or is in the manufacturer's container;
3. Personally ensure that the container in which the medication is dispensed is marked with the medication name, dosage, interval dosage, and date after which no administration should be given. OR
I hereby authorize my child to self-administer his/her medication as he/she has shown the competency to do so. I hereby agree to:
1. Submit this request to the principal or school nurse;
2. Personally ensure that
a. the medication is received by the principal or school nurse administering it in the container in which it was dispensed by the prescribing physician or licensed pharmacist or is in the manufacturer's container, or
b. the medication will be kept in the student's possession but only with prior written permission from the parent and principal.
3. Personally ensure that the container in which the medication is dispensed is marked with the medication name, dosage, interval dosage, and date after which no administration should be given.
___________________________________ _________________
(Signature of Parent/Guardian) (Date)
___________________________________ _________________
(Printed Name of Parent/Guardian) (Phone Number)
Revised: June 29, 2015
Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Self-Administration of Asthma Medication to Students
I authorize my child, ______________________________, to self-administer his/her own asthma inhaler or airway medication at school. I understand that the Interstate 35 Community School District and its employees are to incur no liability, except for gross negligence, as a result of any injury arising from my child's self-administration of medication. The school district, and its employees, acting reasonably and in good faith, shall incur no liability for any improper use of medication, or for supervising, monitoring, or interfering with a student's self-administration of medication.
______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
The Following to Be Completed by the Student’s Physician:
I have prescribed the following medication (asthma inhaler/airway medication)
________________________________________________ for this student _______________________________________________
Name of Medication Students Name
In this dosage:__________________________________________________________________.
Dosage and Instructions (Frequency of Use)
For the purpose of:_________________________________________________________________________________________________.
___________________________________________________________ ____________________________.
Doctor's Signature Date
Revised/Reviewed: April 22, 2024
Parental Authorization and Release Form for the Self-Administration of Epinephrine via EPI
I authorize my child, ______________________________________, to carry an epi-pen auto-injector and to self-administer his/her own epinephrine at school in the event of an emergency following my child’s:
• Demonstration of his/her knowledge and understanding of anaphylaxis and correct usage of the epi-pen to the school nurse;
• Agreement never to share the epi-pen with another student; and
• Agreement to obtain or send for assistance from the school nurse or another adult immediately in the event of an allergic reaction and/or use of the epi-pen.
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________
Parent or Guardian Signature Date
The Following to Be Completed by the Student’s Physician:
I have prescribed an epi-pen auto-injector in the following dosage ____________________________ to ______________________________for his/her
allergy/allergies to the following (list all applicable allergies):_________________________________________________________________________
I have further instructed him/her with respect to:
• The events surrounding the need for epinephrine;
• The consequences of incorrectly administering epinephrine;
• The signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction; and
• The correct usage of an epi-pen.
________________________________________________________________ ___________________________.
Doctor's Signature Date