Code No. 505.5 Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements


The following are the course requirements for students to graduate from Interstate 35 Community School District High School:

  1. Science:  Six (6) credits.  All freshmen must enroll for a full year laboratory science course, which meets half of this requirement.
  2. Mathematics:  Six (6) credits of mathematics.  All freshmen must enroll for a full year mathematics course.
  3. Social Studies:  Six (6) credits of social studies, including two (2) credits of world history, two (2) credits of American history, and one (1) credit each of government and economics.
  4. Language Arts:  Eight (8) credits.  Four (4) credits must be earned in the area of basic English mechanics and composition.  One (1) credit must be earned in either American Literature or World Literature.  One (1) credit must be earned in another literature course.  Two (2) credits may be earned in any of the courses listed under language arts.
  5. Technology Education:  At least one (1) credit in computer-related class work.
  6. Vocational:  Two (2) elective credits.
  7. Fine Arts:  Two (2) elective credits.  Foreign language may be used to meet this requirement.
  8. Physical Education:  One (1) semester of physical education (1 credit) per year.
  9. Financial Literacy: One-half (1/2) credit of financial literacy, which may but is not required to fulfill either one-half (1/2) credit of mathematics, one-half (1/2) credit of social studies or one-half (1/2) credit of Career and Technical Education content.*
  10. Special Education Classes:  Special education students must attend classes pursuant to Board Policy.
  11. Elective requirements may be waived by the building principal for those students who have been enrolled in Band and Chorus for four (4) years and have scheduled a full course load for four (4) years.

The Board may determine whether the financial literacy course falls into mathematics, social studies or CTE areas of curriculum or is a stand-alone requirement in addition to other graduation requirements. The board delegates the superintendent make the determination of curricular areas that best meets the needs of students based on staffing capacity and certifications.  The required courses of study will be reviewed by the Board annually.  

Prior to graduation, the district will advise students on how to successfully complete the free application for federal student aid.

Graduation requirements for special education students include successful completion of four years of English, three years of math, three years of social studies and three years of science.

Students who complete a regular session in the Legislative Page Program of the general assembly at the state capitol will be credited ½ credit of social studies.

Students enrolled in a junior officers’ training corp will receive 1/8th physical education credit for each semester the student is enrolled in the program.

  Credits for Foreign Study

Interstate 35 Community School students who choose to travel abroad for foreign study may attend classes in a foreign country and receive credit toward graduation under the following conditions:

  1. Course length and contact hours shall be approximately the same as if taken in the Interstate 35 School District.
  2. If an elective course, local credits shall be based on successful completion of the course and shall be pass/fail credit only.
  3. If a required course, credit shall be based on an examination to be structured and supervised by Interstate 35 School District officials, and may be administered before or after travel is completed.  The grade shall be pass/fail.

Approved:  November 17, 1997

Revised/Reviewed:  April 22, 2024